Saturday, January 26, 2013


After vewing my post on the Bunbury Cathedral, Liam, one of my sons, mentioned a Macedonian Church in North Perth, where an Icon artist has been painting murals on the walls and ceiling of the church for 20 years.
Cannot wait to visit!
Below are photos and an article about Stefan, the artist.

Macedonian Orthodox Church

The first thing people say when they enter the unassuming Macedonian Orthodox Church of St Nikola in North Perth is 'Wow' according to Reverend Father Stanko Jovanovski.
The plain brick exterior gives the impression that Perth's Macedonian Orthodox Church is just another, traditional place of worship.

Iconographer Stefan Adamache has been painting the interior of Perth's Macedonian Orthodox Church since 1996

Brightly painted Biblical figures with gold halos adorn every wall depicting scenes from the Bible in a larger-than-life scale.
It is the lifelong work of iconographer Stefan Adamache that leaves believers and non-believers gobsmacked. And he is not finished yet.
"Maybe two to three years but probably more like five more years until I've finished," Mr Adamache says.

Iconographer Stefan Adamache still has a long way to go


Stefan's paint box at the Macedonain Orthodox Church

The impressive part is he started the project almost 20 years ago and has painstakingly hand-painted every single image, layer upon layer.
The first part of the commission was to paint the main dome of the church in 1995, which took about five months, and it went from there.
With the exception of two breaks a year when he visits his wife in England, Mr Adamache has been painting the North Perth Orthodox Church ever since.
"I live at the back of the church in a little room they organised for me, which is helpful because sometimes when I'm in a good mood I can work for 10 hours a day and just lie down for an hour and work again."

Chandelier in Perth's Macedonian Orthodox Church

Born in Romania, Mr Adamache always had a love of painting but it wasn't until the fall of the Soviet Union that he had the opportunity to leave the country and pursue iconography in Macedonia.
He learnt much of what he knows about the Orthodox religion while painting the stories of the bible on the walls of the North Perth church.

The ceiling of each dome is painstakingly hand-painted in Perth's Macedonian Orthodox

Mr Adamache says he wants to expose the belief that the artist must lie on their back to paint dome ceilings.
"That's a myth, you can't work like that."
He's right too. Michelangelo actually constructed an elaborate scaffold system, not unlike Mr Adamache's, but didn't lie flat on his back to paint the Sistine Chapel as is portrayed in the movie starring Charlton Heston.
"You have to have what I call the 'necklace', which is a chickpea tin, I hang it around my neck and then I put a jar of paint inside so I have to dip the brush probably thousands of times a day... So Michelangelo wouldn't have done it differently."

Reverend Father Stanko Jonanovski
You can visit Perth's Macedonian Orthodox Church and view Mr Adamache's masterpiece on most weekday mornings and weekends.

1 comment:

  1. We know that Stefan Adamache has repeatedly threatened to separate me from my family if I do not commit to Mohammad the beheading pedophile being regarded as a Holy Man and the story gets worse. So I say imagine Mohammad in icons with the beheaded thousands of victims of his crimes? in the light of Coptic Christians butchered over seas why would you employ such a horrible violent man?
